ACSC/APF 2024: Toward A People-Led Democracy and Sovereignty in Southeast Asia
19-21 September 2024
Dili, Timor-Leste.
Deadline: 25 August 2024
Call for Applications Convergence Space
This is a call for individuals, organizations and collective/coalition to apply for a convergence space of the ACSC/APF 2024, 19-21 September 2024, Dili, Timor-Leste.
The ACSC/APF 2024: Toward A People-Led Democracy and Sovereignty in Southeast Asia will be realized from 19-21 September 2024, Dili, Timor-Leste. The conference is the largest civil society organizations in Southeast Asia, and involves the trade union, peasants organizations, cooperative, NGO, media outlets, community organization, social movement, university, think tanks, network, religious entity, international and regional organizations.
The event consists of 4 plenary sessions, 6 convergence space, site event, rally, solidarity action and cultural presentation.
- Opportunity to build network, resource, capacity and movement in Southeast Asia
- Expand the advocacy, campaign and solidarity
- Deepening collaboration, cooperation and partnership
- Access to keynotes speeches and talks
- Involve in critical discussion and freedom of assembly
- Learn and build alternative practice
- Cultural presentation and performance
Please read the following requirements of applications:
- Individuals, organizations or collective non-state entities based in Southeast Asia, or global organizations operating in Southeast Asia
- Organizations or collective is trade union, peasants organizations, cooperative, NGO, media outlets, community organization, social movement, university, think tanks, network, religious entity, international and regional organizations.
- Each convergence space shall comprise, at least, from 3 different (e.g. individuals, organizations or coalition) from 3 different countries in Southeast Asia.
- If only 1-2 organizations in the proposal, the organizing committee will adjust accordingly
- Each convergence space shall adhere to the values of promoting gender justice and inclusiveness, such as having women in the panel or speaker list.
- The proposed issue shall not be specific to country or locality, but having a regional and international dimension.
- No government speakers.
Fee for Convergence Space: $75 (Seventy Five USD), Pay onsite.
Key Notes of the Convergence Space
Please read the following key notes of the convergence space of ACSC/APF 2024. The convergence space consists of 6 Thematic Issues, with 18 Session of Workshops.
Convergence Space (A): Working People, Neoliberalism and Alternative Regionalism
Focal Point:
Fernando Ximenes <fernandoximenes87@gmail.com>
Jenito Santana <zona.namihen@gmail.com>
Ryan Martinez <ryansilverio@gmail.com>
This convergence space will cover issues including, and not limited to: monopolies, free market, trade, investment, austerity, extractivism, under-development, debt, labor protections, welfare, migrant workers, domestic workers, precarious workers, trade union, human trafficking, social inequality, economic injustice, until the alternative practice, people solidarity, and people’s regionalism.
Convergence Space (B): State Violence, Militarism, National Liberation and Democracy
Focal Point:
Fernando Ximenes <fernandoximenes87@gmail.com>
Abel, Hali ba Dame,
This convergence space will cover areas including, and not limited to: authoritarianism, state repressiveness, terror, violence, control, militarization, shrinking civic space, crackdown of freedom of expressions, media, governance, accountability, transparency, human rights defender, civic education, and civic movement, freedom of religious, oppressed people struggle for independence such as West Papua, Myanmar. This will cover political and military violence such as that in Myanmar,
Convergence Space (C): Tech Monopoly, Digital Authoritarianism and Internet Freedom
Focal Point:
Fernando Ximenes <fernandoximenes87@gmail.com>
Juvita, JPF Podcast, <juvitapereirafaria@gmail.com>
This thematic convergence space aimed to include broad discussion on areas including, and not limited to: monopolies tech companies, digital economy, surveillance, shutdown, blocking, circumventions, censorship, data mining, privacy, protections, AI discrimination, state regulations and control mechanism, community network, civic tech, Internet Literacy, digital rights and the internet freedom.
Convergence Space (D): Ecological Crisis, Environmental Rights, Agrarian and Urban Issues
Focal Point:
Fernando Ximenes <fernandoximenes87@gmail.com>
Leo Soares, UNAER, <soaresleo90@gmail.com>
This thematic convergence space will discuss the following issues including, and not limited to: climate change, biodiversity loss, disaster, depeasantization, rural-urban migration, food sovereignty, malnutrition, rural women, urban poor, land grab, evictions, dispossession, gentrifications, renewal energy, agro-ecology, permaculture, family farming, peasants movement and cooperative.
Convergence Space (E): Minority, Marginal People and Gender Justice
Focal Point:
Fernando Ximenes <fernandoximenes87@gmail.com>
Olinda, ALFELA, olinda.cardoso@alfela.tl
Romi, Codiva, romiaty.codiva@gmail.com
This thematic convergence space aimed to provide space for workshops in areas including, and not limited to: Rohingya people, indigenous people, ethnic and religious minority, LGBTIQ+ persons, children, youth, women, elders, people with disabilities, stateless, sex workers, and displaced persons and undocumented peoples.
Convergence Space (F): Peace Building, Human Security and Transitional Justice
Focal Point:
Fernando Ximenes <fernandoximenes87@gmail.com>
Marta da Silva, Lao Hamutuk, <marta@laohamutuk.org>
This thematic CS will discuss the following issues to human security, which will be achieved through peaceful and just settlement of conflict, cessation of military/state violence, dialogue, peace building and justice accountability.
For further queries
If you have any query please email at apfacsc@gmail.com or reach at Whatsapp: +670 77969255 & +670 75054512.