Call for Holding Side Events
This is a call for individuals, organization or coalitions to applyfor holding a side event or an exhibitto theACSC/APF 2024, 19-21 September 2024, Dili, Timor-Leste.
The ACSC/APF 2024: Toward A People-Led Democracy and Sovereignty in Southeast Asia will be realized from 19-21 September 2024, Dili, Timor-Leste. The conference is the largest civil society organizations in Southeast Asia, and involves the trade union, peasants organizations, cooperative, NGO, media outlets, community organization, social movement, university, think tanks, network, religious entity, international and regional organizations.
The event consists of 4 plenary sessions, 6 convergence space, site event, rally, solidarity action and cultural presentation.
- Opportunity to build network, resource, capacity and movement in Southeast Asia
- Expand the advocacy, campaign and solidarity
- Deepening collaboration, cooperation and partnership
- Access to keynotes speeches and talks
- Involve in critical discussion and freedom of assembly
- Learn and build alternative practice
- Cultural presentation and performance
Form of Activities in Side Events
- Any types of research paper such as report, submission, assessment and case study.
- Any types of publication work such as books, journal, magazine, news, zine and any other literary form such as poem
- Any types of campaign publication such as poster and inforgraphic design
- Any types of audio-visual publication such as video, documentary and real footage
- Any types of artistic works such as painting, hand-craft, sculpture, music, video, drawings, pictures, installations, performance, and interactive arts.
- Any types of story-telling
Key Themes in the Side Event:
- Any themes reflecting any individual, groups and the collectives artist and organizations on social issues
- Any themes addressing the desires, needs and struggle for peace, freedom, justice and sustainability
Major Topics in the Conference:
Working People, Neoliberalism and Alternative Regionalism; State Violence, Militarism, National Liberation and Democracy; Tech Monopoly, Digital Authoritarianism and Internet Freedom; ): Ecological Crisis, Environmental Rights, Agrarian and Urban; Minority, Marginal People and Gender Justice; and Peace Building, Human Security and Transitional Justice.
Fee of Side Events: $50 (Fifty USD), Pay onsite.
Apply Now
Deadline: 25 August 2024
For further queries
If you have any query please email at apfacsc@gmail.com or reach at Whatsapp: +670 77969255 & +670 75054512.